Every province, regency, and village has its own town square marked with a vast field of grass for ceremonies and playing soccer, or just for hanging out in the afternoon. Most squares do not have one, especially the Sultan's Squares (The larger Northern nor smaller Southern Square ~ Alun-Alun Utara ataupun Alun-Alun Selatan). However, some provinces try very hard to provide it for the public, like this one in Denggung.
Sad to say, it's better to stay off the playground and just walk around the field. Thank God, the tetanus vaccine is available here in Indonesia. I'm not sure what the provincial government is prioritizing nowadays. Surely repainting or fixing broken swing for children is not on the list.
It really could be just the heavy rain we get in the tropics that quickly ware down the playgrounds, but maybe we can copy what Qatar has done to theirs due to the extreme Middle Eastern heat. Put up a roof, that will save a lot of painting and repairing, inshaAllah. There is a playground in town that has already done that. Check it out here.
But is weather really culprit, is still a question. How come the one in Batu, Malang is still as good as new. Well, Malang is a cooler place than Yogyakarta and it may not get as much rain as here. Take a look at their Playground in Batu Square, Malang.
Why we give a 1 Star?
1. At least they have the efforts to provide the playground.
(That's a 2 thumbs up! For Sleman!!! Slemania!!!)
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